Topics in Higher Category Theory
WS19/20, Tuesday 16-18, M101
[Seminar Schedule]
Talk 1 (15.10.2019). Introduction and overview (G. Raptis)
Talk 2 (22.10.2019). ∞-categories of presheaves (B. Preis) [Notes]
Talk 3 (29.10.2019). Filtered colimits and compact objects (P. Hanukaev) [Notes]
Talk 4 (07.11.2019). Ind-objects (G. Raptis) [Notes]
Talk 5 (12.11.2019). Accessible ∞-categories (N. Kipp) [Notes]
Talk 6 (19.11.2019). Presentable ∞-categories I: Structural properties (P. Baernreuther) [Notes-I]
Talk 7 (26.11.2019). Presentable ∞-categories II: Localizations (P. Baernreuther) [Notes-II]
Talk 8 (03.12.2019). ∞-topoi I: Structural properties (M. Volpe) [Notes-I]
Talk 9 (17.12.2019). ∞-topoi II: Grothendieck topologies and sheaves (G. Raptis) [Notes-II]
Talk 10 (09.01.2020). ∞-topoi III: ∞-connectedness and hyperdescent (G. Raptis)
Talk 11 (14.01.2020). The proper base change theorem (K. Nguyen)
Talk 12 (21.01.2020). Stable ∞-categories (P. Bonart)
Talk 13 (28.01.2020). Spectrum objects and stabilization (S. Wolf) [Notes]
Talk 14 (04.02.2020). Differentiation of Functors: Introduction to Goodwillie Calculus (G. Raptis)